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More about our history, amenities & offerings
Housing for LGBTQ+ seniors in San Francisco is the brainchild of Dr. Marcy Adelman and the late Jeanette Gurevitch, Openhouse Founders, who began worrying more than 20 years ago about the future needs of LGBTQ+ seniors.
In strong partnership with Mercy Housing, the concept began to take shape in 2014 and grew to fruition in December 2016 when residents began moving into 55 Laguna.
The subsequent opening of the building at 95 Laguna in 2019 named after the Openhouse founders completed this large-scale and impressive project.
Dr. Marcy Adelman
Developer: Mercy Housing, California
Co-Developer: Openhouse
Property Manager: Mercy Commercial California
Service Provider: Openhouse
Tenant Profile: Individuals and couples who are 55 years and older for 55 Laguna and those who are 62 and older for 95 Laguna whose household income does not exceed 50% of Area Median Income (AMI).
14 of 117 units are set aside for formerly homeless funded through Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), and 15 are for homeless individuals placed by the San Francisco Department of Homelessness Continuum of Care (COC) program.
2012: Landmark decision by the SF Planning Commission to build the nation’s largest LGBTQ+ welcoming low-income housing project
2014: Construction begins on the Openhouse Community at 55 Laguna
2016: Residents move into 55 Laguna and Openhouse opens San Francisco’s first LGBTQ+ senior center at 65 Laguna
2017: Construction begins on the Marcy Adelman and Jeanette Gurevitch Openhouse Community at 95 Laguna
2019: Residents move into 95 Laguna
2020: Openhouse opens San Francisco’s first LGBTQ+ senior activity center at 75 Laguna
Amenities and other unique features
- 52 studio apartments, 62 one-bedroom units, 7 two-bedroom units
- Units have high ceilings and floor-to-ceiling Windows
- Full kitchens
- Historic art and murals throughout buildings and in public spaces throughout this block of San Francisco
- Large shared outdoor courtyard, 2nd floor Terrace at 55 Laguna and Balcony at 75 Laguna
- Large community rooms and individual meeting rooms throughout
- Wider hallways for better wheelchair maneuverability.
- Close proximity to Castro neighborhood and San Francisco LGBT Center
- 55 Laguna is an adaptive reuse and renovation of an historic building. 95 Laguna is new construction. The buildings share a large courtyard and outdoor area.
- The two buildings have access to over 10,000 square feet of programming space at the Bob Ross LGBT Center at 65 Laguna and the Openhouse Community Center at 75 Laguna.
Service Approach: From the Bob Ross LGBT Senior Service Center at 65 Laguna and the Openhouse Community Center at 75 Laguna, Openhouse provides support for San Francisco’s community of LGBTQ+ seniors, and offers resources, services and community building activities to help all residents live healthy and independent lives. Included in these services are an onsite Resident Services Coordinator, case management services, health and wellness support, and community activities.
To learn more: Please call 415-296-8995 xt 319 for housing assistance related questions