Make a Gift to Support and Empower our LGBTQ+ Older Adults
Here are ways your donations help keep our community members connected:
A gift of $75 provides snacks for the Games Group of 15 Community Members
A gift of $200 buys kits and yarn supplies for the Knitting Class of 10 Community members
A gift of $500 covers the cost of weekly groceries for 12 Community Members
A gift of $1,000 covers the cost of the Intergenerational Holiday party for 50 Community Members
A gift of $5,000 covers 10 fitness classes for 200 Community Members
Founded in San Francisco in 1998, Openhouse enables San Francisco Bay Area LGBTQ+ seniors to overcome the unique challenges they face as they age by providing housing, direct services, and community programs. Openhouse works to reduce isolation and empower LGBTQ+ seniors to improve their health, well-being and economic security.