Support Services

Connecting you with accurate and timely information about housing and services, and supporting you in navigating them.

Housing Assistance Program

Openhouse offers guidance to those seeking affordable housing in San Francisco. Our primary housing services consist of our Housing & ADRC Drop-in Hours and 1-on-1 housing counseling appointments. We also offer multiple Housing Workshops, an hour-long presentation that provides an introduction to searching for housing, including overview of housing availability and eligibility requirements, exploration of strategies, and sharing of helpful resources, all in an LGBTQ+ affirming environment!

TO LEARN MORE> Call (415) 296-8995 ext. 306 or email

PARA APRENDER MÁS> Llame (415) 296-8995 ext. 306 o mande un correo electrónico a

Affordable Housing Workshop

Demystify the rental housing process!

Interested in affordable housing in the San Francisco Bay Area? Wanting to learn more about the public housing lottery system?

We at Openhouse offer online affordable housing workshops every second Thursday and fourth Tuesday of the month where we will go over the initial steps to getting started on any affordable housing rental search here in the city. Please note this workshop is online only.

There are TWO WAYS to join us virtually:

  • VIDEO CONFERENCE: View the presentation (you will not be on camera)

  • AUDIO CONFERENCE: Listen to the audio of the presentation

You don’t have to look for housing alone.

Information & Frequently Asked Questions

  • Affordable housing refers to housing that is designated as “below market rate.” The federal government, the city of San Francisco and various non-profit housing organizations underwrite the development and leasing of affordable housing throughout SF. As a tenant, you will pay a reduced monthly rent based on your income. Types of Affordable Housing There are several types of affordable housing in San Francisco.

    SROs, or single room occupancies, are single rooms for rent that have shared kitchen and bathroom facilities, usually located on the same floor.

    BMR, or “below market rate,” units have been funded by the city, the federal government and/or non-profit organizations. BMR units can comprise an entire building or be part of a complex that also includes market-rate housing.

    Public housing is housing stock administered and maintained by the San Francisco Housing Authority and designated for low-income households.

    Section 8 is a rental subsidy program whereby a tenant is given a voucher that they can use to rent from any landlord who will accept it. The voucher enables them to pay an affordable percentage of their income, while the San Francisco Housing Authority makes up the rest.

    Project-Based Section 8 is a government-funded program that provides rental housing to low-income households in privately owned and managed rental units. The subsidy stays with the building; when you move out, you no longer have the rental assistance.

    Rent control is a citywide policy that limits landlords from raising rent more than a certain percentage every year, currently 2.2%, for as long as you reside in your apartment.

  • San Francisco is moving towards a centralized listing system via their online housing portal, DAHLIA. Visit DAHLIA to view San Francisco’s most current housing opportunities.

    If you are looking in the greater Bay Area, our Monthly Housing List (SF) and our Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo Counties housing opportunity list show you the buildings in surrounding counties that are accepting applications.

    Once you’ve compiled a list of possible housing sites that look promising, your next step is to figure out what the application process entails. Most housing sites will require you to submit an official application.

    Find out what the income eligibility and demographic priorities are. Income eligibility is the minimum and/or maximum income you can earn to be eligible to live at a particular housing facility. Demographic priorities are the population groups for whom the housing complex may have has units set aside (i.e. seniors, disabled residents, people living with HIV/AIDS).

    Find out what the application procedures and deadlines are. Application procedures vary from site to site so be informed about what the deadlines and logistics are for each building that you’re applying to. For instance, some sites will only allow you to mail in applications, while others require you to drop them off in person. Make sure you have the relevant addresses and telephone numbers for the buildings you want to submit applications to.

    Gather together supporting documents, including telephone and electricity bills, ID cards, pay stubs and other paperwork attesting to your income and current place of residence.

    Find out what the process for selecting tenants is. Some buildings will combine the application and selection processes together and select tenants based on a first come, first served basis. Many buildings will set up a lottery system.

  • A lottery is a process whereby residents will be randomly selected from a pool of submitted applications. Under a lottery system, submitting an application (along with supporting documents) is no guarantee of housing. Learn the timeframe for when applicants will find out whether they’ve been selected. Submit your application and any supporting documents on time.

  • In many cases, you will find listings that say whether or not the facility has an open or closed waitlist. What is a waitlist? A waitlist is a list compiled by housing sites so that they can contact people when vacancies arise. Waitlists are either open or closed.

  • Apply to several housing sites and sign up for as many open waitlists as possible. Because the demand for affordable housing is significant in San Francisco, your safest bet is to put yourself on several lists simultaneously.

    Make sure you have all your relevant paperwork together – telephone and electricity bills, ID cards, pay stubs and other documents attesting to your income and current place of residence.

    Be certain you have all the information you need around how to apply for vacancies and waitlist openings. Take note of the locations and deadlines for picking up and handing in applications. In many instances, the site being advertised is not necessarily where you will go to hand in your application.

    Keep a list of contact information for previous landlords who can serve as a reference for you.

    Keep copies of applications and check-in with building management at least once a year around waitlists.

    Check back in with developers periodically around any openings.

    Seek help from a social worker, case manager or other service provider who can assist you with housing referrals and applications.

This program is funded by the City and County of San Francisco and the Department of Disability and Aging Services.

Aging and Disability Resource Center

The Openhouse Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) serves as a connector between you and valuable services. Our Resource and Housing Navigation team meets with community members 1-on-1 to provide referrals and assistance with accessing services such as:

  • Care Coordination

  • Case Management

  • Benefits

  • Transportation

  • In-Home Care

  • Home-Delivered Meals

TO LEARN MORE > Contact our Resource & Referral Navigator, José Santamaria (he/him/él), via phone at (415) 296-8995 x313

TO LEARN MORE > Contact our Resource & Referral Navigator, José Santamaria (he/him/él), via phone at (415) 296-8995 x313

Case Management

Openhouse also provides on site case management to our residents and Case Management Services for the broader community through a partnership with the San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS).

Case management offers support to help maintain wellness in your home through service coordination and advocacy.

TO LEARN MORE > Contact the San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services via phone at (415) 355-6700 x5

These programs are funded by the City and County of San Francisco and the Department of Disability and Aging Services.

Mental Health Program

The Openhouse Mental Health Program is a no-cost, short-term program provided to low-income clients by Licensed Clinical Social Workers or pre-licensed providers. Sessions are provided at Openhouse offices or remotely via Zoom.

Individual work with clients is short-term therapy. Sessions are generally provided for 10 weeks/sessions.  Please note that at this time the program is best suited for individuals with challenges and goals that can be effectively addressed in 10 weeks of therapy and is not best suited for individuals experiencing an acute state of crisis.

Clinicians use person-centered, trauma-informed care and relational frameworks. Approach varies by clinician and the individual needs of LGBTQ+ elders.

TO LEARN MORE > contact Aiden Goodwin, LCSW via phone at (415) 926-3468 or

Mental Health Program Referral Form